The Müller Bros building has a tremendous history dating back to the early 1900s. It was built by the Müller family who lived upstairs and operated a gun shop and hardware store in the downstairs areas. Agents for Royal Enfield motorcycles, the family also tirelessly ran a motorbike workshop and sales department.
Since then, the building has had many occupants some of which included; Darling Downs Monte de Petite (a second hand dealer), Walsh’s Seeds (a family business established in 1885), a book store and Mr. Money Bags (also a second hand dealer).
Now, reincarnated as Muller Bros Rooftop, Restaurant and Café, we’re adding another chapter to the building’s already diverse story. Extensively renovated, with great care taken to preserve the heritage and character of such a grand old structure, most features have been updated to meet current building codes while many original timbers, doors and counters have been restored or recycled in some way.
On your next visit, take a look at the wall out in the courtyard for holes in the brickwork made by the test fire of rifles in for maintenance at the gun shop. Up at the rooftop bar however, you will find it hard to imagine that this space was the four-bedroom residence, complete with bathroom kitchen and laundry, of Mr. Eric Müller up until 1998.